Schlagwort-Archive: ethik

Conversions of Space-Time. On the transcendental phenomenology and ethics of digitality

Robert König

Originally published in Critical Journal of the History of Ideas 2, 2024 (EA 2022).

Read full article: click here.

Abstract: The following theses address the questions of why, how and to what extent digitality can and should be made an object of philosophy. In arguing my position, I am combining the methods of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology and Kant’s moral philosophy. Therefore, we must first briefly say a few words about these methods. Hence, in an initial step, the philosophical concept of a transcendental phenomenon will be clarified. The second step applies this concept to digitality and to the process of digitalization. In the third step, the essence of digitalization will be discovered in a specific transcendental operation with space-time, which I call conversion to data or datafication. The fourth step highlights ethical, political and anthropological consequences of digital datafication according to Kantian (i.e. transcendental) ethics. In particular, the constitution of subjectivity and the chance for subjects to remain autonomous protagonists play a significant role in the digital age. On this basis, my results mark the extent to which philosophy and ethics are a central and necessary partner in the discourse about digitalization processes.

Read full article: click here.

Towards a unity of Theoretical and Practical Reason: On the constitutive significance of the Transcendental Dialectic

Link to full article (Journal Open Philosophy, deGruyter, 2022)


The article focuses on re-evaluating Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic by initially highlighting its seemingly negative function within the Critique of Pure Reason as a mere regulative form for cognition and experience. The Dialectic, however, does not only have such a negative-regulative function but also its very own positive and founding character for cognition that even is present in the supposedly most immediate forms of intuition. In exploring this positive side of the Transcendental Dialectic it becomes clear that it manifests itself as a bridge between the so-called theoretical and practical reason inasmuch as it fills in their gap within Kant’s philosophy. From the practical side, the Dialectic is manifest as an action full of purposiveness, maxims, and imperatives within cognition, from a theoretical side it assumes the form of syllogistic inference, which is the adequate and acting theoretical form of practical reason. Therefore, the unity of reason is shown in presenting its inner gap as a dialectical misunderstanding that Kant not only highlights in the Transcendental Dialectic but also tends to leave unsolved mostly. Nevertheless, the Dialectic can be shown as the a priori synthetic act of unifying reason, if investigated in the context of Kant’s complete critical endeavour.

Autor: Robert König

La Salle des pas perdus: Über spekulative Mathematik

Der hier als PDF vorliegende Text ist eine kondensierte Übersicht zu meiner Mirabilie „La Salle des pas perdus“ im dritten Band meiner Reihe Logik + Mystik. Ich lege in „La Salle des pas perdus“ meinen Begriff der sog. spekulativen Mathematik vor. Das heißt, ich bestimme in ihm die philosophische Rolle der Mathematik, ihre Funktion für die Erkenntnis, ihre ethische Dimension und ihr Verhältnis zur Philosophie.

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